Monday 13 March 2017

MishMash Monday - Springtime

Todays MishMash play session was Spring themed. Im posting this photo as i rather enjoyed my spring field scene. Lambs frolicking! Obviously it only looked like this for a matter of moments before the little MishMash messers got their hands on it!

Today was VERY messy! To see photos visit our facebook page "Mishmash Play". There you can see our mishmash master in all his messy wonder. He went all out today!!
We decide on a mishmash master each week. Its usually the most messy child, although sometimes it's for other reasons. For example trying the mess when they were nervous about it. Today however, it was down to mess. This little boy's Mummy is really up for it and really gets what we are trying to achieve and how it benefits him. She has been coming from the very beginning and it's been amazing to see how he has grown and developed over the months. And mummy too! Shes utterly  blossomed in her mummydom, its lovely to witness.

It's one of the reasons we started MishMash. To give the children wonderful fun learning experiences. And to hopefully give mums a friendly, supportive group to come to, where you get to drink your tea while its still hot, eat cake and chat. Or just have a little rant or hug if you're tired or frazzled. I hope that's what we are achieving.

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Sunday 12 March 2017

Tantrums and toddlers

Phew!! Totally frazzled tonight. Sitting on the kitchen floor contemplating tidying up. #messymummying is all well and good but mess obviously means tidying and right now i could just lie down here and fall asleep.

Attempting to do a million things at once and keep my grumbledore from being grumpy, i decided to let her help make tomorrow's mess for MishMash.  So now my kitchen is covered in flour and slime and E is in bed and i need to deal with it.

I was supposed to also be tackling the washing monster tonight as well but I think I'll kick ol guilt fairy out of the window, tidy the kitchen and hit the pillows!! Self care and all that!

We are reaching a new stage, tantrums. Today mummy couldn't stop the rain so we had a tantrum, wouldn't let her stand on chairs, tantrum etc etc. Discipline is a whole new phase for us and we are learning the ropes together. This #parenting learning curve stays pretty steep doesnt it!! Phew!!!

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Rock and roll Saturday night!

What a rock and roll Saturday night I had! Was I out on the proseco? Dancing the night away?

Nope. I can't remember the last time I did that, probably someone's hen party. I don't mind, i actually can't stand nightclubs these days. I've left that back in my uni days.
This Saturday night was happily spent on the living room floor painting a cardboard box!! Waaahooo!!
We have recently decorated our bedroom and had quite a lot of paint left. Plus we had new bedside cabinets delivered in a perfect sized cardboard box.

So, I painted the box, sealed up the top and bottom, cut a hole and drew on all the buttons, knobs and the drawer. I'm really not the greatest artist but I'm pretty proud of my efforts!

I showed E her new washing machine this morning and she was over the moon. It must look alright because she instantly knew what it was and we had to find some washing to put in.

Now I need to work out how to fashion a dishwasher!! Trickier! Any ideas anyone??

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Saturday 11 March 2017

Porridge and parties

Lots of happy moments today as we have had a great day! We went to E's friends birthday party where there was messy play set up. (Because the birthday boys's mummy is also my MishMash messy play partner). As you can see there was more focus on pouring. Much concentration went into pouring coloured porridge oats from jug to jug and she spent ages at this station.

Coloured oats are actually the first messy play thing that we tried when she was really little. We loved it then and still love it now. Its a great texture and not only that, but it makes your skin super duper soft! (See below for instructions)
Before she was old enough to get too messy (as in couldn't even do much tummy time) we did a lot of non messy, but sensory activities. Hairgel ina sandwich bag is a great one. You can add sparkle or googly eyes and all sorts to the bag. Make it a fantastic sensprt experience of both sight and touch.

Anyway after the lovely party we came home and played in the garden with our neighbours for aaaaaages! We have a tired lady!! (And mummy)

How to make coloured oats

3 cups porridge oats
1/4 - 1/2 cup water
Food colouring

Add the porridge to a reasonably sized sandwich bag.
Pour a small amount of water in, start with a little you can always add more.
Add your chosen food colouring. I use gel ones as i find them much better in terms of ease of use and they result in great colours.
Scrunch the bag up lots to mix all the ingredients up. You may find you need to add a little more water or food colouring. Just make sure the oats dont start to go mushy and aren't too wet.
Once you are happy with the colour pour them out onto some baking paper or paper towel, spread them out and leave them to dry. I usually make them after E has gone to bed and they are ready for the morning.
You can speed the process up a bit by gently drying them in the oven on a low heat.
Then #PLAY !!

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Thursday 9 March 2017

Messy Mummying's Motivation

Hi, so this is me. Mummy of 1 gorgeous girl, 4 furry people and 3 feathered, plus 1 Mr Perfect.
My sister encouraged me to start this blog and I kicked it off on Instagram a couple of weeks ago to see how I felt. Thats where she started so I figured that was good enough for a blogging novice. A couple of weeks in and I've gained almost 100 followers! Which frankly amazes me. But the best thing so far is how much it has helped me personally. I mean it's caused me to break my new year's resolution already, but hey ho. I'm now on my phone more rather than the tricky aim of "less".
It's not getting followers or finding tinternet fame or anything like that. It's helping my mental health. Im sure most people would say that the internet and blogs and everyone's "facebook fake" life is bad for your mental health and I would agree. It was trashing mine!
Let's go back to the Pre-E days (that's my daughter, not any kind of crazy drug). I spent most of my life being academically pretty good, then pretty good in my target driven job in Animal Nutrition.  I always had a grade or a target to achieve or atain. Always.
Just over a year ago my world changed forever, for the better, a squillion times better. My daughter came into the world  (eventually) and suddenly I had a new role, I was someone's everything and she was mine. My world. Our world. The world got brighter and I suddenly found my calling in it. To be Mummy. I give my all to being mummy. My everything, it's all i want to do in this world and i haven't returned to my old job as we decided that I would stay at home to raise E, rather than go back to work.
But this is where i started to struggle. See E is incredible and doing so so well. Her development is rapid and she is so clever and a total joy to be with. But i hit an obstacle. That  "facebook fake" world, the mummy judging from the outside, from other mums, the media and every other possible channel; got to me. I started to find i was having a lot of negative thoughts, feeling like im failing and not doing a good enough job. Failing E, failing hubs, even failing the dogs. It seemed silly, i knew E was doing really well and hubs didnt expect everything to be perfect at home. And the dogs had been walked and fed and loved. But i still felt i was failing. A passing comment that meant nothing i could turn on its head and interpret as "thats my fault", "im so rubbish". My guilt fairy was on my shoulder and constantly bothering me. @hurrahforgin depicts her perfectly in her book.
Eventually it reached the stage that hubs suggested i chat to the doctor. I almost backed out, almost. My NCT friends came to the rescue and after tea and cake, packed me off to my appointment. And it was great! I couldn't have asked for a better, kinder response. I know mental healthcare is poorly provisioned and poorly understood, but my Doctor was incredible.
He made a really interesting observation. "Most mums i see with this kind of anxiety were academic or target driven before they had their babies."
"You always had a benchmark to tell you how well you are doing, that doesn't exist in the mummy world and so you grasp about for it in your head and look at the internet for it."
That was it, totally it. I suddenly had a light switched on and understood myself, how my head waals working. He said it's not postnatal depression as such, but postnatal anxiety. He referred me for cognitive behavioural therapy which apparently often helps those who are evidence based in their me.
My therapist had me write down my self doubting thoughts when they occurred as well as a percentage of how bad they make me feel and how much i believed them. Later i have to document evidence for and against that thought. Mostly i can never actually find any evidence. And being a scientist, i believe something IF there is sufficient evidence. So it is teaching me to stop believing what my brain is telling me and start looking at the evidence.
Which brings me back to this blog and my beginnings in instagram.
This has been so helpful, posting photos of all the activities i do with E, all the things we get up to. It isnt showing off. I'm not trying to be that "facebook fake" mummy. Im battling my guilt fairy, one piece of photographic evidence at a time.  And if along the way, i can use my love of messy play and the outdoors to inspire some other parents then that is fantastic.  But for me, its a wonderful new way to document my time with my gorgeous, wonderful, perfect girl...and prove to myself that I'm doing ok. 
If you made it this far then thank you.  I hope you'll read again and try some of the things we get up to. I will try to repost some of my instagram posts here.
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